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Self-Marketing Program for your eBook

My Author Self-Marketing Page


Design A Personal eBook Marketing Program

Create Marketing Program Instructions

Marketing Your eBook

This Marketing Form will be used to create Lot’s Cave’s Author’s Spotlight Interview featured on our WordPress blog site.

Step 1 – Tell Us About Yourself

We’d like to know which book you would like to feature! Please provide us with the following information:

Add eBook Title.

Add Series Info if Any.

Pricing and length.

You've Completed 1 of 3 Steps!

Question 1

This should highlight what readers will find the most appealing about your eBook by discussing what makes your eBook uniquely yours.

Try highlighting your story’s subject matter or discussing a particularly interesting part of your eBook’s story. If your eBook has any particularly interesting parts, consider highlighting one of them.

Remember, this question will often be the first readers see and read. It’s important that your answer to this question appeals to your target audience. Note who your audience is and what they’re looking for.

Question 2

What inspired your latest eBook? Did a particular issue remind you of a favorite book? Did you try a new take on something new? Don’t hesitate to tell readers about your inspirational moment!

Many readers like a particular author’s style or subject matter. Informing readers of your style or subject matter selection can actually boost sales while also appealing to your target audience.

Don’t be afraid of a reader’s expectations this is your eBook after all.

Question 3

Every eBook’s title has a good story! This is your chance to share with readers the symbolism or appeal behind your eBook’s title. Whether you went through various working titles or knew the right title instantly, let readers know how and why!

Remember that eBook titles are one of the key factors readers look at when purchasing an eBook. Your title doesn’t need to seem unique, but it certainly brands your work!

Don’t forget to show readers a little of your personality.

Question 4

Readers like to know they’re buying a complete book. All eBooks raise questions in some fashion. Whether these issues discuss family dynamics or the various forms of socially accepted behavior, the information matters to readers!

Keep in mind, these issues don’t have to be outright discussed in your story. These can symbolic issues that your eBook tries to communicate with readers. The subject matter can be light or heavy, just let your readers know.

Remember every good eBook has an underlying moral point or social message.

Question 5

Every author likes to think their words properly convey their ideas properly. At times, this process can be quite difficult. Many authors might even consider this a true form of writer’s block. Let readers know what those moments were like!

Readers enjoy learning an eBook didn’t just happen easily for the author. Why? Because it shows readers an author invested in their eBook’s content.

Don’t hesitate to show readers the challenges of writing!

Question 6

Cover designs are often seen as the highlight of any eBook by both authors and readers alike. A great cover will often capture an eBook’s essence making a lasting first impression with readers.

Feel free to share how you think the cover properly conveys your story. What exactly were the details that made the cover personal to you?

A great cover is something to be proud of, why not brag a little?

Question 7

All stories have an interesting fact or moment; why not share one with your readers? Try remembering how you wrote your favorite scene or discuss a particular moment that stands out in your mind. Chances are, readers will find it interesting too!

Remember to keep your target audience in mind. Not every interesting detail to an author is as exciting for the reader. It’s a thin line, but taking that approach will yield the best results.

Always keep in mind your readers!

Question 8

Picking a favorite is difficult, but try sharing at least one of your favorite moments. Unlike previous answers, this scene can be completely from your standpoint as an author. This is your answer.

If you need to, highlight a couple scenes with a particularly interesting theme running between them. Keep in mind giving your readers a completed and thought out impression when answering in this way.

Otherwise, have fun with this answer!

Question 9

Many authors writing solely for a particular genre, choosing to brand themselves. If that describes you, let readers know why. If not, share with readers this sudden change or exploration of a new genre.

Whatever your reason for choosing your particular genre, let readers know if you enjoyed the experience. If you plan on writing another, why not inform readers of that as well?

Keep in mind, the genre is part of the appeal!

Question 10

Please note this information will be handled as public knowledge. Double check the names of your account information, as this information will be published on social media. Do not disclose any information you would like kept private!

You've Completed 2 of 3 Steps!

You’ve now completed the Marketing form. Be sure to hit the send now button before exiting this web page. You should receive an email when your Spotlight is published.

You Are Done


  • This marketing form is designed to highlight and promote your latest EuroMark eBook. Using a fun set of ten easy questions, this marketing form utilizes the best your eBook has to offer.
  • Please note there’s no correct or right answer to the questions below. Simply answer them as honestly and a length appropriate to interest potential readers.
  • Keep in mind, your responses to this marketing form should hit your target audience.

Step 1 – Tell Us About Yourself

Author Name - Please select your author/pen name for your eBook.

eBook Title - Please Select the title of your eBook.

E-mail Address - Please provide an email address should we need to contact you.

Step 2 – Tell Us About Your eBook

Question 1: What do you feel will most likely capture your reader's attention regarding your book?

Question 2: What other books would you compare to your own?

Question 3: What inspired the title of your latest book?

Question 4: Taken as a whole, what moral, social, or political questions does your eBook discuss or contribute?

Question 5: Artistically or literarily, were there any challenges creating your eBook's dynamics?

Question 6: How do you feel the cover highlights your eBook?

Question 7: Share with us an interesting fact or moment in your book.

Question 8: What is your favorite part or scene in your book?

Question 9: What appeals to you most about writing for this genre?

Question 10: Is there a place readers can leave feedback or comments such as social media sites or email?

Step 3 – Send Marketing Form