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"Literature... cut short by the intrusion of force... is not merely interference with freedom of the press but the sealing up a nation's heart, the excision of its memory."

—Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Russian novelist

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Author / Publisher Royalty Payment Settings

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How do you want to receive your Receive Payments?

Option 1 – PayPal. This is the best way to receive your author royalty payments – and the only way for international authors not living in the United States. Please Note: It is not necessary for you to complete a W-9 form as filing a 1099 for you is not required by the IRS as you will receive your royalty payments through PayPal, a third-party company.

Option 2 – Bank Check. A bank check will be mailed to you using the United States Postal Service - This option is only available to authors residing inside the USA with a USA Postal Address. It is not necessary for you to complete a W-9 form if you expect to remain under your earnings threshold.  Otherwise, download and email us your  Form W-9 <<<<

This is the name by which you want us to know you.

How EuroMark eBooks Pays - Per the EuroMark eBooks Terms of Service, EuroMark eBooks pays authors and publishers monthly, about 15 days of the close of each month for all moneys received in the prior month. You can track your accrued earnings either by adding your sale notices as they occur at the time each sale is made, or by checking your monthly Royalty Statement sent each month at time of payment. EuroMark eBooks pays you only after EuroMark eBooks has received payment from the customer or retailer, and only for payments received as of the last day of the prior month. Please note that most EuroMark eBooks retailer partners don't pay EuroMark eBooks until 30-45 days after the close of a month. Click here for our FAQ on earnings and payment schedules.

Payment options - We have two payment options. For residents of the US, payment is made either PayPal or via paper check. For residents outside the US, payment is made via PayPal only. Make sure your PayPal account is set up correctly and that you can receive payments.

Payment thresholds - Currently, there is a $1.00 threshold for PayPal if you reside in the USA – If you reside outside the USA, the payment threshold is $10.00 do to the cost of foreign money transfers. We encourage all authors to sign up for a free PayPal account so you can receive electronic payments automatically. The threshold for paper checks is $20.00. All unpaid threshold balances will accrue into the next month's payout. If you're registered for paper check payment as of the date we process payments, and you're not paid because you didn't reach the threshold, you may wish to opt for PayPal payments. It is your responsibility to select your payment option in advance of our payment rounds, in advance of the 15th of month.

Payment dates may vary by several days, earlier or later. Allow extra time for paper checks to arrive in the mail.


What is Your Name?

Step 1 – Tell Us About Yourself

This will be your account name. For your personal security we do not care if your account name is  real or fictitious. Authors who use PayPal can use any name they wish. Authors who use bank checks to get paid will need to supply the name they wish the check made out to.

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How to Get Paid

Royalty Payment Information

Accuracy of payee information - It is the author/publisher's responsibility to ensure that the PayPal address, mailing address, and other payment settings below are accurate and up to date. If you miss a payment because you listed incorrect or out of date information below, Lot's Cave cannot issue a re-payment until the next payment cycle. Unclaimed payments (be they from incorrect PayPal addresses, failure to claim the PayPal payment from PayPal, out of date mailing addresses, uncashed checks, lost mail) will eventually credit back to your account in full and will become payable in the next payment round when this occurs. To ensure changes to your payment preferences below are captured in time to be reflected in each payment round, please make all updates on this page prior to the 15th of the month.


Congratulations! You’ve now completed the payment form. Be sure to hit the send now button before exiting this web page. You should receive a confirmation email.

You Are Done

Step 2 – Tell Us How to Pay You

Currently, two options exist for receiving your money – PayPal or Bank Check.

If you wish for non-standard payment threshold, please send us an email detailing your wishes.

Select a payment method here.

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