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Publish Your eBook - Upload your manuscript here at EuroMark

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Easy Self-Publish Your Book at EuroMark


Create New eBook Instructions

Step 1 – About Your eBook

Add eBook Title.

Add Series Info if Any.

Pricing and length.

Enter the full title name of your book without any additional comments. Generally a short tiles requires a longer description later with good keywords, and a long title allows shorter descriptions and makes keywords less critical. For marketing and sales purposes, a shorter title is best.

If your book is one volume in a series of books, please indicate the series name if one exists and the volume number of this book in the series.

Select the Author's Name for your book. If you need to add an author please click "Add an Author".

Select the Book's Language.

Set the price you wish to charge for your book in United States Dollars for potential worldwide distribution to retailers. Also, let us know approximately how many words are contained in your book as page numbers do not exist in eBooks. See More Info >>>

You've Completed 1 of 5 Steps!

Step 2 – eBook Descpription

Your descriptions will appear on your sales pages on the EuroMark website and used to market your book with many book retailers.

Pick your Favorite Quote from Your Book.

You have 350 to 450 characters, including spaces, to describe your book in a way that makes people want to purchase it.

Your description should be a single paragraph in complete sentences. Avoid all caps. Do not enter email addresses, hyperlinks, or promotions. The quality of this description and the interest it generates will greatly impact the number of books you sell.

Provide an excerpt of your book of up to 4000 characters including spaces. Your book Excerpt will be used to market your eBook on your EuroMark book page and may be shared worldwide with many retailers. Avoid all caps and do not enter email addresses, hyperlinks, or promotions.

Note: eBooks with descriptions that are too short and excerpts that are less than 2000 characters tend not to sell well. This is your chance to sell your book. Take maximum advantage of this opportunity.

You've Completed 2 of 5 Steps!

Step 3 – Your eBook Category

What subject categories best describe your eBook and under what subject information should your book be advertised?

Select the single subject category which best describes your eBook. You may optionally select up to two additional subject categories which also describe your eBook. EuroMark will determine final eBook placements based on best category fits.


Key words are important when used correctly. For best results, select between 5 and 7 one word to three word phrases a person would type into Google if they were searching for SUBJECT MATTER which is featured by your ebook.

You've Completed 3 of 5 Steps!

Step 4 – Add Your Manuscript

Add Your Manuscript (Microsoft Word .docx, .doc, or plain .rtf files only).

Attach your book cover image (.jpg, .png, or .gif graphic types only). Do not ever use cover images you do not have authorization to use. If you do not have an image attached, we will create a cover for your book at no charge.

You've Completed 4 of 5 Steps!

Step 5 – Where To Publish It

Your book will be published in the best online eBook Stores.


We will place your ebook on sale at EuroMark and at each retailer you select – if it meets their content requirements. We will not place your ebook on sale with any retailer you do not select. Keep in mind that not all retailers will accept all content. Please do not select retailers with whom you are already published.

For authors having their own covers, we will only substitute a new cover or change your book title IF and ONLY IF this box is selected. The only purpose of making any changes would be to enhance sales through increased circulation, and would not be based on censorship of your work.

Any Name you choose to give here is held offline in the strictest confidence, and will not be revealed to your readers or anyone. A real name or publisher name is okay here–all books by several authors may be grouped under this name for royalty payment purposes…

Do not ever use cover images you do not have authorization to use. If you do not have an image attached, we will create a cover for your book at no charge.

You Are Done

Authors/Publishers – Quick Checklist:

  • We welcome first-time authors who may have never self-published an ebook before. Don’t worry if you do not have a book cover image to send us, we can create one for you.
  • This uploader will handle cover graphics in the .JPG .PNG, and the .GIF formats.
  • This manuscript uploader will only handle Microsoft Word files such as standard .DOC, .DOCX, and .RTF file formats.
  • Do not use all capital letters when filling out this form.

Step 1 – About Your eBook

The Title of your book (up to 100 characters):*

Do not use all capital letters.(Maximum characters: 100) You have characters left.

Is Your Book Part of a Series or Trilogy of Books?



Books Author Name*: Please Click Here to "Add an Author".

Book Language:*

Please select the Book's Language.

Book Price*


Book Length:


Minimum length for Micro-Shorts: 2,000 words at $2.99. Minimum length for standard shorts: 5,000 Words at $3.99 ~ Please click this link to review EuroMark pricing policy details. All prices will be adjusted to meet EuroMark pricing guidelines.         Pricing Guidelines >>>

Step 2 – eBook Description

Your Favorite Book Quote:*

About 25 words that capture your AudioBook.

Blurb Description /Synopsis | between 350 to 450 Characters:*


Please Count Blank Spaces as One Character each. If you’re having problems, this is most likely the cause.

Do not use all capital letters.(Maximum characters: 450) You have characters left.

Book Excerpt | up to 3,000 Characters:*


Do not use all capital letters.(Maximum characters: 3,000) You have characters left.

Step 3 – Subject Category

This section is designed to increase your sales by letting readers of several categories know about your book.

*Primary Subject Category:

If your book were to be listed in only one subject category, which subject would it best fit?

Secondary Subject Category:

(Optional) If we also list your book in a second category, what alternative category would it best fit?

Third Subject Category:

(Optional) If we also list your book in a third category, what alternative category would it best fit?